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Provincial Offences

Services • Provincial Offences
Provincial Offenses are known as non-criminal offenses that are regulated by every region in Canada.
Instances of Provincial Offenses incorporate Trespass to Property, Liquor License managing infringement like offering liquor to minor and other administrative issues. These infringements can convey fines. We can help you in any provincial offense matter.

Traffic Offences

Our team can help you to contest all Highway Traffic Act charges.
Garry Law Office will help you if you get charged with commercial offences like CVOR offence, MTO charges, Overweight charges, Defect on truck and trailer, Hours of Service, etc.
Our team will contest on your behalf, save points and money. Our goal is to get your ticket either reduced or dismissed.
Speeding, careless driving, stunt driving, and distracted driving can all have an impact on your driving record. Serious driving offences can result in earning demerit points, which can lead to penalties such as temporary or permanent license suspensions and/or imprisonment. Traffic convictions can also have a direct impact on your car insurance making it increase difficult to find affordable car insurance. Call us and let us fight for your best outcome in your favour.

Charged with a summary criminal offence?

Mistakes can happen to anybody. A conviction of culpability will have expansive effects for the remainder of your life. Garry Law Office will assist you with fighting the charges and get the most ideal outcome.
Summary Convictions, Bail Hearings, Settlement Discussions, Pardons. If you are facing a criminal case contact us today!
We will help our clients with
  1. Provincial Offences Act
  2. Classification of Offences
  3. Client Has Been Charged
  4. Helping Client Deal with Charges
  5. Preparing for the Trial Date
  6. Motions and Applications
  7. What to Expect When You Enter the Courtroom
  8. The Trial
  9. Sentencing
  10. Following Up with a Client
  11. Reopening and Appeals
  12. Common Highway Traffic Act Offences
  13. Other Common Acts
  14. Administrative Penalties